Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starrett D125 Digitape 1-Inch x 25 Electronic Tape Measure

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Regardless of the project or build you are about to embark on, you will always need to accurately measure things. The one tip that I always was reminded of was to “measure twice and cut once”.
Regardless of how many times I tried to do so it is still inevitable to miss read your tape measure, miss record the measurement or miss remember the measurement. Best case scenario is that you will have to cut a little bit more off, worst case is that you will have to get another piece of timber and cut it to size because it is already too short!!
Many years of miss cuts may now have been eradicated with the simplest of adaptations to the humble tape measure. Digital readouts on traditional tape measures have assisted in the cheapest investment in time and timber savings I have made to date. Various styles and models exist ranging from the adapted tape measure, still my favorite style, to the ultimate calculating ultrasonic with laser guided pointer.

Starrett D125 Digitape 1-Inch x 25 Electronic Tape Measure

This would have to be the better of the range of digital tape measures on the market. It is a very functional and competent unit with a good, sturdy, wide readable tape. This however is not why you would look at investing in this unit. The digital readout is clear and will convert easily between imperial and metric and will also save a measurement at the press of a button. However as good as the tape and the readout is, the accuracy of the readout has been brought into question by several reviewers. Personally I have also had reading that id not match the tape, but have found this to be easily overcome by gently withdrawing the tape. If you treat this tape measure with the respect of a precision measuring device it will reward you with accurate measurements. You will have to allow the electronic mechanism the opportunity to do its job. I am not saying that this is the answer to all measurement issues but it is a clever piece of equipment that if treated properly will reward you with that which it promises. Besides, if you are in that much of a hurry, and create errors with this tape measure then you would most likely make the same errors with a standard tape.

From the Manufacturer

Two tapes in one. An electronic tape when you want the error-free convenience of electronics, and a manual tape if you prefer traditional readings. Displays in inch, feet/inch & centimeters. A unique outside/ inside measuring mode that automatically adds the 3-1/2 in. length of the case to an inside measure. A zero button sets a zero reading at any blade position. In/mm button for instant conversions between English and metric readout. A button that 'freezes' a measurement in memory indefinitely, even after the blade is retracted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes,Do you know what your arm measurement is? You should. Go get how to read a tape measureright now and see what it is. Measure at the mid-point of your arm with a flexible cloth measuring tape.

  3. does it have an auto shut off for the digital readout

  4. Where can I get a replacement battery
